Wednesday, August 13, 2008


YAY!!! so im going to share you children a little bit about our first story (if you weren't able to figure it out, there are more than 1)!!

So, I was at Shaneyney's house, about a year and almost a half ago. And this is how it came about:
We were watching 13 Going on 30 (one of our fav movies!!!!) and she got a random notebook/journal thing from under bed. she wrote down the following sentence: Elizabeth Adams and her boyfriend Jake Williams were at an eighties party when the
Michael Jackson hit Thriller came blaring out of the speaker system. ( if u can't tell, we were at the part of the movie where the ppl r at a party and dancing to that song) and anywho, we went from there. at first it was maybe 2 or 3 sentences at a time to paragraphs to pages to chapters to pretty much things that could be considered their own books. our story is totally AMAZING!!!! i renember when we got excited when it was like 60 pages and it was our baby and we have watched it grow up ;( so yeah its like now 400 something pages (or so im told) and totally intense. i love the characters and all the crazy stuff that happened!!!so yeah!!! i love it!!!

luv, MOE xoxo!

1 comment:

Katrina :) said...

Hey girlys! Erin: finish ur blog post!!! mad muscle moe: it's pretty much 500 pages. yeah really. it's like, the best book ever!!! change the font color,'s hard 2 read!!! lol! luv yall!
